The S's to the Z's...
sal sapit omnia | salt seasons everything. |
salus populi suprema lex esto | the welfare of the people is to be the highest law. |
salva veritate | with truth intact. |
sancta simplicitas | holy innocence. Or sacred simplicity. |
sanctum est vetus omne poema | every old poem is sacred. |
sanguinis pretium sanguis | blood is the price of blood. |
sanitas sanitatum, omnia sanitas | sanity of sanity, all is sanity. |
sapere aude | dare to be wise. |
sapere et tacere | to be wise and silent. |
sapiens dominabitur astris | the wise will rule the stars. |
sapientem locupletat ipsa Natura | Nature herself makes the wise man wealthy. |
sapientia et eloquentia | wisdom and eloquence. |
sapientia melior auro | wisdom is better than gold. |
sat pulchra, si sat bona | beautiful enough, if good enough (beauty is as beauty does). |
satis eloquenti, sapienti parum | enough eloquence, not enough wisdom (those who speak well do not always think well). |
scientia ipsa potentia est | knowledge itself is power. |
scientia ultima stat pretio ultime | ultimate knowledge costs the ultimate price. |
scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons | knowledge is the foundation and source of good writing. |
servare cives, major est virtus patri patri | to preserve the lives of citizens is the greatest virtue in the father of his country. |
servata fides cineri | faithful to the memory of my ancestors. |
serviendo guberno | I govern by serving (by ruling I serve). |
servitute clarior | more illustrious by serving. |
si antiquitatem spectes, est vetustissima; si dignitatem, est honoratissima; si jurisdictionem, est capacissima | if you consider its antiquity, it is most ancient; if its dignity, it is most honorable; if its jurisdiction, it is most extensive. |
si cadere necesse est, occurrendum discrimini | if one must fall, let him meet the hazard head on. |
si ccus cco ducatum prebet, ambo in foveam cadent | if the blind leads the blind, they will both fall into the ditch. |
si dis placet (or, si diis placet) | if it pleases the gods. |
si duo dicunt idem, non est idem | if two [languages] say the same thing, it is not the same thing. |
si fallor, sum | if I am deceived, then I exist (refutation of skepticism through ones self-awareness of deception). |
si finis bonus est, totum bonum erit | if the end is good, all will be good. |
si fortuna juvat | if fortune favors. |
si genus humanum, et mortalia temnitis arma; at sperate deos memores fandi atque nefandi | if you despise the human race and mortal arms, yet be hopeful that the gods will not be forgetful of right and wrong. |
si judicas, cognosce; si regnas, jube | if you judge, inquire; if you reign, command. |
si natura negat, facit indignatio versum | even if nature denies power, indignation makes verse. |
si omnia ficta | if all (the words of poets) is fiction. |
si peccasse negamus fallimur et nulla est in nobis veritas | if we deny having made a mistake, we are deceived, and there's no truth in us. |
si post fata venit gloria, non propero | if glory comes after death, then I am in no hurry. |
si quoties homines peccant sua fulmina mittat Jupiter, exiguo tempore inermis erit | if Jupiter hurled his thunderbolt as often as men sinned, he would soon be out of thunderbolts. |
si sursum non efferor alis, saltem cursu prtervehor omnes | though I do not soar high on my wings, I fly by all who are in the race. |
si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses | If you had kept your silence, you would have stayed a philosopher. |
si tibi vis omnia subjicere, te subjice rationi | if you wish to subject everything to yourself, subject yourself to reason. |
si una eademque res legatur duobus, alter rem, alter valorem rei | if one and the same thing is bequeathed to two people, one should have the thing, the other the value of the thing. |
si vales valeo(SVV) | if you are well, I am well (abbr). |
si veris magna paratur fama bonis, et si successu nuda remoto inspicitur virtus, quicquid laudamus in ullo majorum, fortuna fuit | if honest fame attends the truly good, if, setting aside the ultimate success, virtue and valor are alone to be considered, then was his fortune as proud as any to be found in the records of our ancestry. |
si vis ad summum progredi ab infimo ordire | if you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest. |
si vis amari, ama | if you want to be loved, then love. |
si vis pacem, para bellum | if you want peace, prepare for war. |
sic ait, et dicto citius tumida quora placat | so speaks the god, and quicker than he speaks he calms the swelling seas. |
sic delatores, genus hominum publico exitio repertum, et ne poenis quidem unquam satis coercitum, per prmia eliciebantur | thus were informers, a race of men discovered for public destruction, and never sufficiently restrained by pains or penalties, allured and brought forward by rewards. |
sic ego nec sine te nec tecum vivere possum; et videor voti nescius esse mei | thus neither with you nor without you can I live; and I seem not to know my own wishes. |
sic erat in fatis | so stood it in the decrees of fate. |
sic et non | thus and not. |
sic eunt fata hominum | so go the destinies of men. |
sic fac omnia tanquam spectat aliquis | do everything as in the eye of another. |
sic frustra | thus in vain. |
sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc | we gladly feast on those who would subdue us. |
sic infit | so it begins. |
sic itur ad astra | thus you shall go to the stars. |
sic me servavit Apollo | thus Apollo preserved (or protected) me. |
sic nos sic sacra tuemur | thus we guard our sacred rights. |
sic parvis magna | greatness from small beginnings. |
sic semper erat, et sic semper erit | thus has it always been, and thus shall it ever be. |
sic vita humana | thus is human life. |
sic volo, sic jubeo | thus I will, thus I command. |
sic volo, sic jubeo, stat pro ratione voluntas | thus I wish, thus I order, my will stands in place of reason. |
sicut ante | as before. |
sicut columba | as a dove. |
sicut lilium | as a lily. |
sicut quercus | as the oak. |
sidus adsit amicum | let my propitious star be present. |
simile gaudet simili | like delights in like. |
simplex signum veri | simplicity is the sign of truth. |
sine fine | without end. |
sine invidia | without envy. |
sine metu | without fear. |
sine odio | without hatred. |
sine scientia ars nihil est | without knowledge, skill is nothing. |
sine timore aut favore | without fear or favour. |
sit jus liceatque perire poetis | leave poets free to perish as they will. |
sit nomine digna | may it be worthy of the name. |
speratum et completum | hoped for and fulfilled. |
spes durat avorum | the hope of my ancestors continues. |
spes vincit thronum | hope conquers (overcomes) the throne. |
spiritus intus alit, totamque infusa per artus mens agitat molem et magno se corpore miscet | the spirit within nourishes, and the mind that is diffused throughout the living parts of nature activates the whole mass and mingles with the vast body of the universe. |
spiritus mundi | spirit of the world. |
spiritus ubi vult spirat | the spirit spreads wherever it wants. |
spius in auro bibitur venenum | poison is more often drunk from a gold cup. |
splendide mendax | splendidly false. |
stare super antiquas vias (or, stare super vias antiquas) | to stand upon the old ways. |
stat fortuna domus | the good fortune of the house stands. |
stella monstrat viam | the star shows the way. |
stet fortuna domus | let the fortune of the house stand. |
studio sapientia crescit | wisdom grows by study. |
studium immane loquendi | an insatiable desire for talking. |
stultorum eventus magister est | experience is the teacher of fools. |
stultum facit Fortuna quam vult perdere | Fortune makes a fool of him whom she would ruin. |
stupor mundi | the wonder of the world. |
stylo inverso | with stylus inverted. Erasing or revising what has been written. |
stylum vertere | to correct or change the style. |
sua cuique quum sit animi cogitatio, colorque proprius | each person has his own way of thinking, and a peculiar disposition. |
sua cuique utilitas | to everything its own use. |
sua cuique voluptas | to each his own pleasure. |
sua munera mittit cum hamo | he sends his gift with a hook attached. |
suaviter in modo, fortiter in re | gently in manner, firmly in deed. |
sub Iove frigido | under cold Jupiter. At night. |
sub Jove | under Jove. In the open air. |
sub rosa | under the rose. In secret, privately, confidentially or covertly. |
sub silentio | under silence. |
sub sole, sub umbra virens | increasing both in sunshine and in shade. |
sub specie aeternitatis | under the sight of eternity. From eternity's point of view. |
sub specie Dei | under the sight of God. God's point of view or perspective. |
sub tuum praesidium | beneath thy compassion. Blessed Virgin Mary; under your protection. |
sublata causa, tollitur effectus | when the cause is removed, the effect ceases. |
sublato fundamento cadit opus | remove the foundation and the structure falls. |
sublimi feriam sidera vertice | with head lifted, I shall strike the stars. |
sublimis ab unda | raised from the waves. |
sufficit ad id, natura quod poscit | we have a sufficiency, when we have what nature requires. |
sufficit unum lumen in tenebris | a single light suffices in the darkness. |
suggestio falsi | the suggestion of falsehood. |
sui cuique fingunt fortunam | ones character fashions his fate. |
sui generis | of its own kind. In a class of its own. |
sui iuris | of one's own right. Capable of responsibility. |
sui juris | of his own right. |
suis stat viribus | he stands by his own strength. |
sum quod eris, fuit quod es | I am what you will be, I was what you are. |
sum quod sum | I am what I am. |
sumite materiam vestris qui scribitis quam viribus | let those who write fix on a subject to which their force is equal. |
summa potestas | sum or totality of power. It refers to the final authority of power in government. The power of the Sovereign. |
summum bonum | the supreme good. Literally "highest good". Also summum malum ("the supreme evil"). |
summum jus, summa injuria | extreme law, extreme injury (the law, strictly interpreted, may be the greatest of injustices). |
sumus | we are. |
sunt bona mixta malis, sunt mala mixta bonis | good is mixed with evil, and evil is mixed with good (human existence). |
sunt et belli sicut pacis jura | the same laws hold for peace as for war. |
sunt lacrim rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt | tears are the nature of things and the mind touched by human mortality. |
sunt omnes unum | they are all one. |
sunt superis sua jura | even the gods above are subject to law. |
suo jure | in one's own right. |
suo Marte | by his own ability or prowess. |
super abissus ambulans | walking on precipices. |
superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est | every misfortune is to be subdued by patience. |
superbia in proelia | pride in battle. |
superest quod supra est | what is above lives on. |
supero omnia | I surpass everything. A declaration that one succeeds above all others. |
superstitio mentes occupavit | superstition has taken hold of their minds. |
superstitione tollenda religio non tollitur | religion is not abolished by abolishing superstition. |
suppressio veri suggestio falsi | suppression of the truth is the suggestion of falsehood. |
supra vires | beyond ones powers. |
supremum vale | a last farewell. |
supremus ille dies non nostri extinctionem sed commutationem affert loci | the last day does not bring extinction to us, but change of place. |
surgam | I shall rise. |
surgit post nubila Phoebus | the sun rises after the clouds. |
sursum | upward. |
suspiria de profundis | sighs from the depths of the soul. |
suum cuique | to each his own; to everyone his due. |
suum cuique pulchrum | to each his own beauty. |
suus cuique mos (est) | to each his own custom. |
sva indignatio | fierce wrath. |
tace | be silent. |
tam facti quam animi | as much in action as in intention. |
tam interna quam externa | as much internal as external. |
tamquam alter idem | as if a second self. |
tanquam in speculo | as in a mirror. |
tarde venientibus ossa | to the late are left the bones. |
te ipsum nosce (also, te nosce or nosce teipsum) | know thyself. |
temet nosce | know thyself. |
teneat luceat floreat | may it hold, may it shine, may it flourish. |
terminus a quo | the point from which it begins. |
terminus ad quem | the point at which it ends. |
terra es, terram ibis | you are earth, and to the earth you will return. |
terra, flatus, ignis, aqua | earth, air, fire, water. |
tibi seris, tibi metis | you sow for yourself, you reap for yourself (as you sow, so shall you reap). |
tibi soli | to thee alone. |
tollimus in clum curvato gurgite, et idem subducta ad manes imos descendimus unda | we are carried up to the heaven by the circling wave, and immediately the wave subsiding, we descend to the lowest depths. |
tota hujus mundi concordia ex discordibus constat | the complete harmony of this world consists in discords. |
tota in minimis existit natura | the whole of nature exists in the very smallest things. |
toto coelo | by the whole heavens. |
totus in toto, et totus in qualibet parte | wholly complete and complete in every part (ancient definition of the human mind; also said of the human heart). |
totus teres atque rotundus | entire, smooth, and round (complete in itself). |
translatio imperii | transfer of rule. |
tria juncta in uno | three joined in one. |
Trinitas in Trinitate | Trinity in Trinity. |
triumpho morte tam vita | I triumph in death as in life. |
tu fui ego eris | I was you; you will be me. Thus, "what you are, I was; what I am, you will be.". A memento mori gravestone inscription to remind the reader that death is unavoidable (sum quod eris). |
Tu solus sanctus | Thou alone art holy. |
tu vincula frange | break your chains. |
tui animi compote es, ne quid fraudis stuprique ferocia pariat | be master of your soul, lest your untamed nature bring forth deceit and disgrace. |
tuo tibi judicio est utendum. Virtutis et vitiorum grave ipsius conscientia pondus est; qua sublata jacent omnia | you must use your own judgment on yourself. Great is the weight of conscience in deciding on your own virtues and vices; if that be taken away, all is lost. |
turpe est in patria peregrinari, et in eis (or iis) rebus qu ad patriam pertinent hospitem esse | it is disgraceful to live as a stranger in ones country, and to be uninformed of its interests and affairs. |
tutor et ultor | the protector and the avenger. |
tutum refugium | a safe refuge. |
tuum est | it is yours; your own. |
ubique | everywhere. |
una dies aperit, conficit una dies | in one day it opens its blossoms, in one day it decays. |
unguibus et rostro | with talons and beak (by tooth and nail). |
usque ad finem | to the very end. |
usque ad sidera tellus | the earth rises up to the stars. |
usque recurrit | it always returns. |
ut apes geometriam | as bees practice geometry. |
ut dicitur | as has been said. |
ut infra | as below. |
ut prosim | that I may serve. |
ut res magis valeat quam pereat | that the matter may have effect rather than fail. |
ut retro | as backwards. |
ut sementem feceris ita (et) metes | as you have sown, so (also) shall you reap. |
ut supra | as above. |
ut tibi sic alteri | as to yourself so to another. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. |
uti non abuti | to use, not to abuse. |
uti possidetis | as you now possess. |
utraque unum | both into one. So that the two may be one. |
vaticinium ex eventu | prophecy from the event. A prophecy made to look as though it was written before the events it describes, while in fact being written afterwards. |
veluti in speculum | even as in a mirror. |
verbatim et literatim | word for word and letter for letter. |
veritas et virtus vincunt | truth and virtue conquer. |
veritas temporis filia | truth, the daughter of time. |
veritatem dies aperit | time reveals the truth. |
veritatis simplex oratio est | the language of truth is simple. |
vertitur ad solem | it turns toward the sun. |
vetus consuetudo natur vim obtinet | an ancient custom obtains force of nature. |
vi veri universum vivus vici | by the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe. motto of Crowley. |
vide et crede | see and believe. |
videre licet | it is permitted to see; one may see. |
viribus unitis | with united strength. |
virtus potentior auro | virtue is more powerful than gold. |
virtus vincit invidiam | virtue conquers envy. |
virtute et claritate | by virtue and renown. |
virtute et fortuna | by virtue and fortune. |
virtute et numine | by virtue and the gods. |
virtute non astutia | by virtue not by craft. |
virtutes et honor | virtue and honor. |
virtutis amore | from love of virtue. Annesley family motto. |
virtutis avorum prmium | the reward of the virtue (or valor) of my ancestors. |
vis viva | the living power. |
visio dei | vision of a god. |
vita ante acta | a life done before. Thus, a previous life, generally due to reincarnation. |
vita brevis, ars longa | life is short, art is long. |
vita data utenda; data est sine foenore nobis mutua, nec certa persolvenda die | life is given to us to be used; it is a loan without interest, and we have no date fixed for repayment. |
vita mutatur, non tollitur | Life is changed, not taken away. Found in the preface of the first Catholic rite of the Mass for the Dead. |
vita sine litteris (or literis) mors est | life without literature is death. |
vivant rex et regina | long live the king and queen. |
vive memor Lethi | live ever mindful of death (Lethe, a reference to the underworld, was the river whose waters brought forgetfulness of the past).. |
vive ut vivas | live so that you may live. |
vive, vale (or vive, valeque) | long life to you, farewell. |
vivere est cogitare | to live is to think. |
vivida vis animi | the strong force of the mind. |
vivit ad extremum | it lives to the end. |
vivit post funera virtus | virtue lives on after the grave. |
omnes illacrymabiles urgentur, ignotique longa nocte, carent quia vate sacro | many brave men lived before Agamemnon; but all of them, unwept and unknown, are overwhelmed in endless night, because they are without a sacred bard to sing their praises. |
vixerunt | they have lived (they are dead). |
vocat in certamina divos | he calls the gods to arms. |
vocatus atque non vocatus Deus aderit | called and even not called, God approaches; attributed to the Oracle at Delphi. |
volat ambiguis mobilis alis hora; nec ulli prstat velox Fortuna fidem | the shifting hour flies with doubtful wings; nor does swift Fortune keep faith with anyone. |
volente Deo | God willing. |
volenti non fit injuria | to one willing, no harm is done. or "to him who consents, no harm is done". |
voluntas non potest cogi | the will cannot be forced. |
vota vita mea | my life is devoted. |
votis subscribunt fata secundis | destiny makes wishes come true. |
vox audita perit, litera scripta manet | the voice that is heard perishes, the letter that is written remains. |
vox populi, vox Dei | the voice of the people [is] the voice of God. |
vox tantum atque ossa supersunt; vox manet | the voice and bones are all that is left; the voice remains. |
vox, veritas, vita | voice, truth, life. |
vulnere sano | I cure by a wound. |
vult plane virtus honorem, nec est virtutis ulla alia merces | virtue clearly desires honor and has no other reward. |
vultus est index animi | the face is the index of the soul. |
zoe kai psyche | life and soul. |
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